Getting users is one thing, but keeping them is another. While emailing your users might not seem like a typical marketing task, any seasoned marketer will tell you it’s essential. It’s much easier to keep your current users happy than to find new ones. This guide will help you understand when and how to email your users effectively.
You can email the audience of a specific Actor directly from the Console. Go to Actors > Emails > Compose new +. From there, select the Actor whose users you want to email, write a subject line, and craft your message. An automatic signature will be added to the end of your email.
Emails can include text, formatting, images, GIFs, and links. Here are four main rules for crafting effective emails:
Additional tips:
Our general policy is to avoid spamming users with unnecessary emails. We contact them only if there's a valid reason. Here’s the list of regular good reasons to contact users of the Actor:
New filter, faster scraping, changes in input schema, in output schema, a new Integration, etc.