Pay-per-event (PPE) pricing model – alpha phase

The pay-per-event (PPE) model is currently in the alpha phase. It provides a flexible way to monetize your Actors on Apify Store. Instead of charging per result, you can set prices based on specific events triggered explicitly by your Actor’s code.

PPE vs. pay per result (PPR)

Unlike PPR, which charges based on the number of results produced, PPE lets you define pricing for individual events. You can charge for specific events directly from your Actor by calling our PPE charging API. The most common events will most likely be Actor start, dataset item, external API calls, etc.

You can see a detailed explanation of the different pricing models in our user-facing docs.

How is profit computed?

Your profit is calculated similarly to PPR:

profit = (0.8 * revenue) – platform costs


Only the activity of paid users is considered when calculating your profit. Free plan user activity does not count. Also, revenue from users who fail to pay for Apify services (typically fraudsters), is not included in payouts, as per our T&C.

How to set up PPE for your Actor

    "actor-start-gb": {
        "eventTitle": "Actor start per 1 GB",
        "eventDescription": "Flat fee for starting an Actor run for each 1 GB of memory.",
        "eventPriceUsd": 0.005
    "pages-scraped": {
        "eventTitle": "Page scraped",
        "eventDescription": "Cost per web page processed for data extraction.",
        "eventPriceUsd": 0.002
    "page-with-residential-proxy": {
        "eventTitle": "Extra: Page opened with residential proxy",
        "eventDescription": "Extra cost per page scraped using a residential proxy.",
        "eventPriceUsd": 0.002
    "page-with-browser": {
        "eventTitle": "Extra: Page opened with browser",
        "eventDescription": "Extra cost per page scraped with a browser.",
        "eventPriceUsd": 0.003
    "page-wait-event": {
        "eventTitle": "Extra: Extended loading per page",
        "eventDescription": "Extra cost per page when choosing a more resource-intensive load event ('load' or 'networkidle').",
        "eventPriceUsd": 0.005

Setting up PPE for your Actor