Once you publish your Actor in Apify Store, it opens the door to new users, feedback, and… issue reports. Users can create issues and add comments after trying your Actor. But why is this space so important?

What is the Issues Tab?

The Issues tab is a dedicated section on your Actor’s page where signed-in users can report problems, share feedback, ask questions, and have conversations with you. You can manage each issue thread individually, and the whole thread is visible to everyone. The tab is divided into three categories: Open, Closed, and All, and it shows how long each response has been there. While only signed-in users can post and reply, all visitors can see the interactions, giving your page a transparent and welcoming vibe.

<aside> 🕑 Note that on the web, your average 🕑 Response time is calculated and shown in your Actor Metrics. The purpose of this metric is to make it easy for potential users to see how active you are and how well-maintained the Actor is.


You can view all the issues related to your Actors by going to Actors > Issues in the Apify Console. Users can get automatic updates on their reported issues or subscribe to issues they are interested in, so they stay informed about any responses. When users report an issue, they’re encouraged to share their run, which helps you get the full context and solve the problem more efficiently. Note that shared runs aren’t visible on the public Actor page.

What is the Issues tab for?

The tab is essentially just a series of conversations between you and your users. There are existing systems like GitHub for that. So why create a separate system like an Issues tab? Since the Issues tab exists both in private space (Console) and public space (Actor's page on the web), it can fulfill two different sets of purposes.

Issues tab in Apify Console

Originally, the Issues tab was only available in the Apify Console, and its main goals were:

Issues tab on the web

Now that the Issues tab is public and on the web, it also serves other goals: